Kamil author

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8 Articles

Author's articles

  • How to make an amulet for money with your own hands at home? Types of amulets for wealth. How to wear an amulet for money?
    29 March 2022
  • The magic amulet for happiness and money can be made with your own hands from pearls, coins and other items that work for the benefit of its owner. You need to talk to him and follow some rules of conduct.
    1 January 2022
  • Amulets for happiness and money: how and what to make with your own hands, how to fill an artifact.
    3 September 2021
  • Amulets and talismans to attract happiness and prosperity: what they are, how to choose and how to use them properly.
    8 January 2021
  • It is believed that coins for happiness and wealth work, they must be said. The most popular are the conspiracies of the royal amulet for good luck.
    17 December 2020
  • Amulets for good luck: how to do it yourself, other different amulets for good luck, talismans in different cultures. Charging, carrying and storing the talisman.
    16 August 2020
  • Nowadays people are increasingly turning to magic. Everyone has their own reasons: the removal of evil eye and misfortune, attract good luck, wealth, the desire to get promoted, to attract financial success.
    4 March 2020
  • A good-luck charm have almost every successful person and sometimes more than one. This mascot can be bought, but can be done by hand. Then the power of the amulet will be much stronger.
    1 January 2020