Amulets and talismans for happiness

Man's happiness directly depends on his own efforts, but happiness also plays an important role in life. From time immemorial, people have tried to earn the grace of happiness, for which they used amulets for happiness, success and wealth.

Amulets in the form of pendants for happiness, wealth and health

Today, choosing a talisman for yourself is not so easy - there are a huge number of them who came from different cultures. To make the right choice, it is worth learning about the characteristics of the most powerful amulets for wealth, how to activate them.

How a talisman works

The principle of operation of the amulet is based on the fact that it emits a particularly favorable energy. The invisible force works as follows:

  • creates an atmosphere of abundance, prosperity in the house;
  • programs human consciousness for success;
  • neutralizes negative programs that attract poverty;
  • protects its owner from risky actions that threaten it with ruin (casino games, unprofitable investments, pointless purchases);
  • opens new perspectives and opportunities for the person;
  • attracts the right people, good circumstances to life;
  • attracts wealth, happiness and fortune.
The talisman for happiness produces powerful positive energy

The amulet of happiness and wealth can be bought in any specialty store, but it will not always work. In order for a magical attribute to gain power, an energetic connection must be established with it by performing an activation ceremony and reading the conspiracy. Another condition on which the efficiency of a talisman depends is a person's trust in a magical object, its efficiency.

The most powerful amulets and talismans that bring happiness and success

Today, a person has a wide choice, he can acquire any talisman of happiness, borrowed from different nations and cultures. Among them, it is worth highlighting the most powerful amulets for success and wealth.

The hand of happiness

This amulet is widespread among Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists under various names: "Hamsa", "Abhaya mudra", "Palm Hamesh", "Hand of Fatima", "Hand of the Mother of God", "Hand of Miriam". The talisman is an open palm with five fingers raised upwards, this gesture seems to bless a person for happiness and prosperity. In the middle of the palm is traditionally shown a blue eye, which scares negative energy, protects it from envious people.

Red thread from Israel on the left wrist

In Jewish traditions, red wool thread on the left wrist protects a person from negative energy and positively affects his destiny. Over time, such a charm has gained popularity around the world, it is worn in early March and is removed only at the beginning of Easter.

Red thread that protects from evil (on the left wrist) and attracts happiness (on the right wrist)

Slavic amulets for happiness

One of the most popular amulets of Slavs is the Veles seal, it contributes to professional success and promotion. Perun's wheel gives a person strength and self-confidence, thanks to which he easily achieves his goals. The Lada star brings happiness to a woman in love, helps her stay the most beautiful and charming for her man for a long time. The wedding dress attracts well-being, mutual understanding in the life of the newlyweds, helps to strengthen their loyalty and mutual love.

Rune amulets

The most powerful are the Scandinavian runes. Among them are those who attract prosperity and happiness in all things:

  1. Rune Vunyo is a magical symbol that fulfills a person’s cherished desires, attracting auspicious events and circumstances into his life.
  2. The Soulu rune is a sacred symbol that personifies the energy of the Sun. This rune removes obstacles along the way, contributes to the rapid realization of goals.
  3. Runa Ansuz - opens new opportunities for a person, creates favorable conditions for the fulfillment of desires. But in order to release useful energy into his life, the owner of the rune must give up the past, say goodbye to his old bad habits.

In order for runes to help, it is necessary to carry them with you at all times, occasionally taking into account the signs shown.

Tibetan amulet of great happiness

This amulet for happiness is a small circle in which special mantras are written that attract the energy of happiness and prosperity. The Tibetan amulet is believed to have been created by Tibetan monks, since then people have used its copies to gain happiness, material and spiritual well-being.


Folk talisman can be used in two ways. A horseshoe turned upside down with its horns protects the home from the negative energy, thieves and intrigues of the villain. It should be placed on the outside of the door. A horseshoe with horns facing up attracts happiness, abundance, prosperity, happiness into the house. In this position, he hung over the threshold, on the inside of the apartment.

Horseshoe is a traditional guardian of Slavs and many other peoples

Rabbit paw - an amulet of happiness for Indians

The ancient Indians made this talisman from the left hind paw of a rabbit. The desired animal was caught in the cemetery, this ritual was performed exclusively on Fridays. The Indians believed that the rabbit's paw would protect its owner from the influence of black magic, disease, various problems and bring happiness and prosperity. Today, it is difficult to find such an amulet, with the exception of a few specialty stores that bring real rabbit paws from countries where shamanism is widespread.

Cat's eye

The cat's eye is any decorative stone, when it turns, a special optical effect is noticed, reminiscent of a cat's pupil. It is believed that such a mineral has special magical properties:

  • warns the person of a possible threat;
  • neutralizes negative energy around its owner;
  • brings confidence;
  • protects from the evil eye and envious people;
  • attracts money;
  • helps to achieve the set goals.

The magical properties of the cat's eye will only work if it is a natural mineral. Unlike real stone, fake stone heats up quickly in the hands, there are no internal cracks, various inclusions.


There has long been a belief that a ladybug crawling on its arm is a harbinger of happy change.

Ladybug - a symbol of divine help, protection

People believed that the appearance of an insect could count on an unexpected receipt of money, a long-awaited conception of a child and good news. It is believed that the amulet in the shape of a ladybug fills a person's life with joy and happiness, attracts love and happiness.

Japanese amulet of happiness

In Japan, there is a universal amulet for happiness - Omamori. It is a small plate covered with silk or satin. Such a talisman is made exclusively in various Japanese temples and shrines. On the back, Omamori writes that the talisman is aimed at happiness at school, to attract love, improve health or financial position. The Japanese believe that it is impossible to open an amulet, otherwise it will lose all its magical properties. The expulsion of Omamori is also forbidden, old pills are returned to the temples.

Chinese amulets for good luck

There are many amulets for happiness in China that are known around the world. Among them, special attention deserves:

  • golden cat - turns negative energy into positive, attracts happiness into a person's life;
  • The Yin-Yang symbol is a sacred sign that helps to achieve harmony and balance;
  • knot of happiness - a talisman made of knitted red lace, which attracts happiness and success;
  • crane - a symbol of love, universal happiness and prosperity;
  • oranges - personify wealth, solar energy, abundance.
Chinese knots of happiness to attract success and happiness

According to Chinese feng shui teachings, the power of talismans also depends on their correct location in the house, on how often a person pays attention to them.

Wax amulets of happiness

It is believed that the homemade talisman of happiness made of wax has significant power. It can be made from a church candle - drip paraffin on a flat surface and wrap the print in a piece of cloth. Magic candles of different colors are also suitable: green - for wealth, red - for success in love, yellow - for happiness.

Lucky Coin Mascot

You can make a money magnet from the found coin. Every penny is good for this, except those found at an intersection, near your front door, on a curve.

On the rising moon, the coin is placed on the window sill so that the moonlight falls on it. Then a green candle is lit next to it and a conspiracy is read: "I speak, I persuade, I attract happiness. Let what I accidentally find become mine and lay the foundation for big money. "After that, you need to wait until the candle burns out, put a coin in your wallet.

An amulet doll for happiness

In Slavic traditions, there are many rag dolls designed to bring happiness and prosperity to one's home. The most famous of them: Dolya doll, Herbal-Pod, Pelenashka, Zhelannitsa, Ten-handed, Fatty, Day-Night, Bird-Joy, Prosperous. Such a charm can be purchased at a specialty store or made with their own hands from scrap material.

Slavic doll Bird-joy, attracting prosperity to the house

Lucky dollar

The dollar of happiness is considered a great amulet for happiness. You need to find a one-dollar bill that has the same number as the date of your birth. The more the numbers match, the luckier you will be. The dollar is folded into a triangle, sealed with a drop of hot wax (preferably from a green candle). The talisman is placed in the wallet and carried with you at all times.

A rune of happiness

One of the happiest is the rune Fehu. It symbolizes happiness, new opportunities, happiness and prosperity. This rune is associated with the Scandinavian goddess Freyr, who personified beauty, fertility, abundance. Today, the Fehu rune is used to attract all kinds of material and spiritual benefits into their lives.

Silver item Talisman

It is believed that metallic silver personifies the energy of the moon, it can attract happiness and harmony into a person’s life. To turn silver jewelry or an item into an amulet, you need to talk about the rising moon, it is recommended to hold an activation ceremony on Friday.

Stones-amulets for happiness

Precious and semi-precious stones have powerful energy. Some of them are able to attract happiness, abundance, material wealth into a person's life:

  • red jasper - encourages career growth, attracts successful events, circumstances;
  • citrine - carries the energy of prosperity, helps to reveal creativity;
  • topaz - charges its owner with self-confidence, optimism, contributes to its implementation in the professional sphere;
  • red pomegranate - attracts happiness in love, fills its owner with strong positive energy;
  • aquamarine - protects a person from accidents, unforeseen circumstances, diseases;
  • jadeit - a talisman for happiness in scientific work, study;
  • amber is a stone that attracts health, happiness and well-being.
Amber crafts according to the zodiac sign will attract health and happiness

Only natural stones have magical properties, you should not expect any effect from the fake.

Acorn or walnut

Many peoples attribute strong protective properties to the jury, using them as a talisman for personal protection. An acorn that has fallen on a person will become good amulets for happiness in all areas of life. Walnuts and chestnuts also symbolize success and happiness. You can put them in your bag when you go on a mission.

Golden garlic

This unusual amulet is popular in China, where it symbolizes a steady cash flow. Also, the Chinese believe that golden garlic helps fulfill desires, protects the house from evil spirits, disharmonious energies.

The most powerful amulets for money

Amulets for wealth can be distinguished among numerous talismans. They create an atmosphere of well-being and prosperity, attract money to their owner, program his consciousness for abundance.

Imperial amulet for happiness and wealth

The royal amulet is royal money. According to the legend, the monk gave the future emperor a penny enchanted for wealth, and since then it has brought him success and prosperity.

Imperial amulet for happiness and wealth

Today it is believed that all coins from the time of the emperor have the ability to attract good luck and happiness to a person. But such a sample can only be purchased from a numismatist or at auction.

An amulet to attract money from psychics

You can find many positive reviews about this mascot on the Internet. Healer and psychic became famous thanks to the popular TV series. The witch lives in the wild and rarely communicates with people, but on social media, through her granddaughter, you can order an amulet from a seer for happiness.

Slavic amulet for money

One of the main Slavic talismans for wealth is the Yarilo-Sun. This amulet fills its wearer with strong solar energy, which helps him cope with all financial problems, protects him from accidents and failures.

Rune money amulets

To attract money and material goods, you can use the following runes:

  1. Runa Dagaz - helps increase existing assets, accelerates the accumulation of assets, attracts the energy of prosperity to the house.
  2. The combination of runes Fehu + Otala + Berkana + Soulu is a powerful magical symbol that acts as a magnet for money.
  3. Runa Yera - brings reward for a person's efforts.
Runa Yera will bring a monetary reward for effort and work

For runic symbols to work, their image must correspond exactly to the original. You can only draw such signs on your own from a photograph, completely repeating all the directions of the lines.

Hordes of amulets for money

The Horde's talisman of happiness is the coin of the Golden Horde (original or exact copy). According to the legend, the great commander Genghis Khan received an enchanted money as a gift - "tenge", thanks to which he was able to win indescribable riches. Today, such an amulet is used to protect against poverty, to attract prosperity.

Chinese amulets for money

According to Chinese feng shui teachings, there are several powerful talismans for attracting wealth:

  1. Goldfish. The Chinese signs "fish" and "money" are very similar, so this animal is associated with prosperity among the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is believed that financial well-being is attracted not only by live fish in the aquarium, but also figurines, images of golden beauty.
  2. The deer is a Chinese symbol of spiritual and material well-being that creates very favorable energy in the home. If you want to place this amulet in the southern sector of the apartment, then you need to choose paired figures.
  3. Coins tied with red thread help preserve existing wealth and attract new ones.

The Chinese believe that red attracts prosperity and happiness.

Masonic amulet

The holy Masonic sign - the all-seeing eye, is shown on dollar bills of various denominations.

Masonic amulet (all-seeing eye) in the shape of a necklace for wealth

It symbolizes divine sight, the all-pervading will. To attract wealth with its help, the talisman is worn in the form of a pendant around the neck, in a bracelet on the right wrist.

Money catcher

This amulet is a model of a human palm with a lucky coin in the middle. Around the coin are spiral inscriptions that attract the energy of happiness and well-being. Runic symbols, signs of the planets, various amulets are shown on the fingers of the palm.

Solomon's pentacle

This is a set of sacred symbols shown on the seal of the legendary King Solomon. It is believed that such a talisman brings happiness, wisdom, the ability to cope with any difficulties. They carry a magic pentagram in the shape of a talisman with them, decorate it with jewelry, display it on their body in the shape of a tattoo.

An amulet of early Islam

It is an ancient oriental coin that includes small and large amulets of happiness. At the very least, a sacred object will protect a person from misfortune, at best, it will convey his demands to the Almighty (including a prayer for wealth).

An amulet of early Islam, it protects a person from accidents

Altai amulet

This is a special prayer coin created and spoken by Altai monks. It is believed that such a talisman attracts happiness, a stable financial flow and protects a person from negativity. The Altai amulet cannot be transferred into someone else's hands, given into someone else's house.

Amulets in the wallet

It is best to wear talismans for money in your wallet. Suitable for this are: Chinese coins tied with red thread, fixed banknotes, mint leaves, cinnamon sticks. The wallet itself is best bought in red, because this shade actively attracts wealth. If you are not allergic to essential oils, you can coat the inside pocket of your wallet with bergamot, eucalyptus or patchouli oil.

What talismans for money and happiness you can make with your own hands

With your own hands you can make many talismans and amulets for work, wealth, happiness, happiness. Consider the most popular:

  1. Chinese coins. You need to take three Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle and tie them with red twine or a thin satin ribbon. A loop or string is attached to the talisman from above, with the help of which the coins are hung on the money tree.
  2. A bag of money. A small bag with ties was sewn from a piece of red fabric (it is best to take velvet). Coins of different denominations are placed there, which fill the container to the top. The bag is tied with red thread, hidden in a secret place in the house.
  3. Lucky dollar. If you are lucky enough to meet a celebrity, a millionaire, on the street, you have to ask him to sign a dollar. This banknote is folded into a triangle, hidden in a wallet to attract happiness.
  4. Lucky star. An equilateral twelve-pointed star is drawn on a small cardboard circle. You will get a talisman called the star of happiness, which attracts positive changes, happy events in a person's life. The cardboard circle can be placed in a wallet, in a piggy bank or in any inconspicuous place in the house.
The twelve-pointed star of happiness is a talisman of positive change and happy events

Once you have made the talisman with your own hands, you need to read the conspiracy on it and activate it.

Amulets for good luck

Talismans can be said on their own or can be attributed to experts. At home the conspiracy must be uttered on the rising moon, in complete solitude. Putting the chosen object under the moonlight, they read the text of the conspiracy: "As the moon grows, so will it guide me. All the money, happiness, happiness I need, let them come to the house, and the worries will go away from me.

Amulet activation

You can activate the amulet by asking for help from one of the four elements - water, earth, fire or wind.

The four-element elements needed to activate the amulet

By choosing an auspicious lunar day for the ritual, the talisman is brought to one of the elements (for example, a candlelight) and asked to fill this object with its energy.